Category Archives: Uncategorized

COWs Deployed, Monitoring Rainbows Near Dillon

As thousands head to the hills near Dillon, Montana for the Rainbow Family gathering, COWs have now been deployed to monitor their activities.   From an official press release from the Attorney General’s office:  Options Announced for Montanans Effected by Recent Verizon Service Disruptions HELENA – Verizon subscribers who recently began experiencing a disruption of cell phone service now have Read More…

Political Trough: Tester Still Raising Money Off Patriot Act

First elected in 2006 after campaigning against the Patriot Act, Senator Jon Tester (D-MT) is still raising money off of the issue (and Libertarian Dan Cox is disappointed).  An alternative to the CSKT water compact is being floated for the Flathead Reservation.  The Rainbows seek acceptance while we seeks jobs.  Congressman Steve Daines (R-MT) leaves a door open for the Read More…

GOP Ties Schweitzer to Obama’s Climate Agenda

Brian Schweitzer is Responsible for President Obama’s Radical Climate Change Agenda  Energy Taxes & Energy Costs, Fewer Jobs for Montanans Washington, D.C. – Today President Obama will unveil his plan to bypass Congress to force a radical climate change plan which will have devastating ramifications for Montanans.  Brian Schweitzer’s work to help elect Barack Obama is responsible for the liberal Read More…