EXCLUSIVE: Poll on Montana Legislative Issues

Aaron Flint posted on February 23, 2011 11:36 :: 2311 Views

The Flint Report/ 47 North Political Poll

-Survey conducted by NSON Opinion Strategy, 400 likely voters, Margin of Error= +/- 4.65%

-Statewide survey conducted Feb 16-17, 2011.

Today: A Look at Montana’s 2011 Legislative Issues
Tomorrow: A Look at Montana’s 2012 Political Landscape, including the Montana Governor’s race, US Senate, and US House.

Full results, including a breakdown by party can be found by clicking here

1.  Recently the Montana House of Representatives voted to repeal Montana’s Medical Marijuana laws, making medical marijuana illegal in Montana. Please tell me if you support or oppose the repeal?

Support Repeal: 49%
Oppose Repeal:  44%
Undecided:      7%

2.  Recently the Montana House of Representatives voted to block legislation that would have mandated all Montana elections be conducted by mail-in ballots and would have eliminated voting at the polling place.  Please tell me if you would support an all mail-in ballot system or if you would prefer the current voting system that allows voting at the polling place and absentee votes by mail.

Support All Mail-in System:  25%
Support Current System:      68%
Undecided:                   8%

3.  Currently the Montana Legislature is considering legislation dealing with renewable energy sources, please tell me if you would support mandating a certain percentage of Montana’s energy coming from green power, even if you know it would mean higher energy costs?

Support Green Power Mandates:  40%
Oppose Green Power Mandates:   44%
Undecided:                     16%

4.  Please tell me, in your opinion is the Montana media typically liberal, conservative, or balanced?

Liberal:       34%
Conservative:  24%
Balanced:      31%
Undecided:     15%

5.  Now, in your opinion has the TEA Party movement in Montana had a positive or negative impact on Montana?

Positive:  34%
Negative:  35%
Neutral:   16%
Undecided: 15%   

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