How Did Your Legislator Score on Gun Rights?

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How did your lawmaker score when it came to gun rights in the latest Montana Legislative Session?  The Montana Shooting Sports Association (MSSA) released their rankings. 

Here’s the score in the state senate:

Montana Senate, 2015 Session, sorted by District

Here’s the scores for the Montana House:

Montana House of Representatives, 2015 Session, sorted by District


Tuesday, July 28, 2015 3:13 PM

It would help if MSSA posted the bills used for the calculations. Here are some discrepancies in the MSSA numbers.

For a Senator to score 94.32 requires voting for 33 out of 35 bills, and to score 92.42 requires voting for 61 out of 66 bills. To get a score of 6.06 requires voting for 4 out of 66 bills. So how many bills did MSSA use? 35 or 66? These numbers are not compatible. And were there really 66 gun-related bills?

For a Representative to score 97.70 requires voting for 85 out of 87 bills. But to score 3.69 requires voting for 1 out of 27 bills, or any multiple thereof. And 85 is not a multiple of 27.

So is MSSA mathematically challenged? Or are there numbers pulled out of thin air? If MSSA expects anyone to believe its numbers then it should make the spreadsheet it used for its numbers downloadable for inspection.

Al Smith

Tuesday, July 28, 2015 5:22 PM

Good Grief! Are Montana legislators really that bad or as Ed Berry postulates, the MSSA is mathmatically challenged? Maybe a sorry combination of both.


Thursday, July 30, 2015 10:38 AM

Ed does have a point – in fact, the MSSA website doesn’t even say how many bills were used for the ranking, how the calculations were done, etc.

On the other hand, it is very difficult to notice that the great majority of state legistators highlighted as failures on defending the gun rights of Montanans failed with a big fat “0”. Or something similar, like “3%”, “7%”, etc.

Scores like that effectively demonstrate a refusal to support ANY legislation pertaining to defending gun rights and the shooting sports. Plain and simple. And scores like that should be unacceptable to any Montanan who believes in the Second Amendment and a State that is supportive of gun rights and shooting sports – also plain and simple.

For those who feel their legislator was unfairly categorized as anti gun, or wanting more in depth personal analysis, the voting records are as accessible to the private citizen as they are to the MSSA.

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